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Harry Osborne

The band (or bands) I am in (or have been in) are… (or solo)?


Weapon(s) of choice?

Vocals, guitars, Production, give bass a bit of a womp too!

Random superpower?

I can cure hiccups

Biggest influences?

Started out on the cello with a brief intermittence at 12 to fulfil my destiny as a pro skateboarder, unfortunately it didn’t go well so here I am still at the music!

Bowie is a hero. So are Young, Joni and Buckley.

Watch or listen to me perform on this link…

The song I always want played as I walk on stage…

If you want to buy me a drink I’ll have…

Always Guinness! but never a can..

A music video that you really need to watch is this one…

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