It’s great to see standing shows selling out at Bexhill De La Warr Pavillion – and one things for sure… the venue definitely packs them in when all the tickets are sold.
Getting from the bar to the front of the venue with a couple of drinks as Razorlight kicked off their set turned out to be a Herculean feat involving skill, persistence and a tonne of polite ‘excuse me‘s.
But even the support set from Indoor Pets proved busy – which was a feather in the cap for the band but also a great sign that most of tonight’s guests were proper music fans and not just old Razorlight junkies along for the ride.
What was perhaps a shame was that the band’s vocals were lost in clash between the naturally excellent acoustics of the venue’s concert hall and a perhaps overzealous use of effects designed to make voices is smaller venues sound as if they are singing in cathedrals.
However the stage presence of this Kent four-piece is, without question, exceptional, and we’d recommend giving them a try next time the hit a venue near you.
Here’s a few of their tunes to whet your appetite:
And what of Razorlight themselves you ask?
Well, after a ten-year break, this marmite-band (you either love ’em or hate ’em) are back with a bang, and last year’s release of ‘Olympus Sleeping’ has been welcomed as return to form for the Johnny Borrell-led four-piece.
It’s fair to say of course that the crowd were predominantly here tonight for the old-school Razorlight classics, and when Golden Touch kicked in it was accompanied by a full-voice crowd-choir who echoed every word and were given centre stage at one point as the band cut out and let the room lead the charge.
Borrell is known for an overblown sense of his own importance, but tonight he let the music do the talking for him and as a result we were treated to a simple but effective night of great tumes that did exactly what they were meant to do – entertain.
Here’s the pics from the night, courtesy of
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