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Public Service Broadcasting plus Palace: DLW Pavilion, Oct 2017



When Public Service Broadcasting come to town there is only one option – grab a ticket FAST!

The car park at De La Warr Pavilion in Bexill was creaking at the seams half an hour before support act, Palace, hit the stage. And this told us something.

It wasn’t just the town that had jumped on this gig – it was the best part of East Sussex.

For those not in the know (an increasingly small number these days) PSB are a band who fuse vintage recordings of epic moments in the history of man with delerious drums, avante garde electronics and a funky horn section.

If that sounds scary it shouldn’t…because like Heston B. on top form, this is a recipe that might use trickery and magic…but it works.

And Palace?

Well tonight, sampling them for the fist time, Palace seem like one of those bands who just need to find their own hook. Right now, despite holding the polite attention of the crowd, they felt a little lost in the space of the venue.

However, having taken the time since to check them out away from a live setting, I think the answer may simply be that bands who utilise a lot of echoey effects on their recordings need to turn them off when they play acoustically active venues like De La Warr. Those effects are designed to mimic the sound that spaces like this provide naturally – so by adding them into the mix live all that happens is the vocals tend to disappear in a backwash of delayed frequencies.

Check this track out and I think you’ll find a sound that has the potential to delight:

For you photo junkies – here’s a tast of our gallery of the night’s fun:

[flickr_set id =”72157686609598352″]

More pictures HERE on FB if you were in the crowd and want to tag yourself.


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